pic of the week

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fly Fishing Wyoming's Grey Reef-APRIL

APRIL: The Month of Plenty
Fly fishing Wyoming's North Platte River Grey Reef stretch is spectacular any time of year. But, April is the month of plenty.
There are several reasons that make April such a productive time on Grey Reef. The flushing flows, the rainbow trout spawn, and the spring baetis (blue winged olive) hatch all contribute to this magical month.
The flushing flow program is designed to purge the North Platte River's spawning gravel of it's sediment load. Rainbow trout use the gravel to build nests (redds) where they lay their eggs. The spawn has been much more productive since the introduction of the flushing flows. The rainbow's appetites are voracious during this period. Most fly fishing guests of the North Platte Lodge and The Reef Fly Shop lose track of the number of trout they have landed during the day. All this while landing roughly half of the fish they hook up.
While fishing during the spawn we never target fish on the redds. We don't consider this activity as sporting. We do target the trout who have moved back into feeding lanes and holes.
Fly fishing the spring Baetis hatch is incredible. The "blue winged olives" are a mayfly that are a favorite of Grey Reef's trout. The rainbows, cutthroats and browns will feed wildly on these small morsels. Fish can be fooled on nymphs, emergers and dry flies.
Most of what is written about fly fishing Wyoming's Grey Reef is referring to springtime. The water is low, clear and easy to read. The fish are healthy, strong and hungry. Be careful, Wyoming's Grey Reef will become your favorite fly fishing destination.

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